Isuzus on Video

MotorWeek episodes are available on home video from Full Perspective Video Services, Inc. at MotorWeek Home Videos, P.O. Box 55742, Indianapolis, IN 46205. They cost $29.95 + $4.00 Shipping and Handling (+5% sales tax for Maryland and Indiana residents).

Isuzu vehicle reviews can be found in the following episodes:

FPVS has been unable or unwilling to produce a listing of the nine years of their broadcast prior to 1990.
Motorweek did do road tests on the Impulse JR, Impulse JI, I-Mark JT, Stylus JS, and the pickups in those seasons.
Anyone with further information on this subject please notify me immediately.

Isuzus in Movies

Isuzus in movies and motion pictures.

If you know of any more Isuzus in movies, let me know.

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