Established: Fall, 1995


This is where you would normally find the introduction which welcomes you to this website and explains the intent and content of this website. However, the ISUPAGE is in fact an internet based magazine (webzine) and although technical and historical information usually takes center stage, recently, current events have become of primary focus. This portion of the ISUPAGE is now dedicated to journalism.

Isuzu Motors America, Inc. has retained Robert C. Cumbow as their legal representation in internet matters, and has apparently sent Mr. Cumbow after ALL personal internet websites containing ANY reference to Isuzu Motors, their products, or even the mention of the word "Isuzu". Mr. Cumbow has not been very forthcoming in fully explaining who he is, where he is, or where he can be contacted, so I am presenting that information here:

In an email communication with another "webmaster" or editor of another internet site, Mr. Cumbow indicated that his firm is counsel to "American Isuzu Motors Inc." and that his client is concerned with the what he calls unauthorized use of the "Isuzu" trademark which he feels is likely to cause confusion.
Mr. Cumbow goes on to indicate that his client has the right to prevent the use of their name, marks , or logos in any manner that they feel might be confusing.
Mr. Cumbow then enumerates his (and his client's) demands:

I contacted Terry Wanlind, in Human Resources, at the offices of Isuzu Motors America, Inc. on August 11, 1997, and she informed me that there is no " Robert Cumbow" on the payroll of Isuzu Motors America, Inc. and she further stated that though Isuzu has several offices in the US, all legal matters are handled through the Isuzu Motors America, Inc. Legal Office, who may have retained the services of this "Cumbow".
After several attempts to contact the legal offices of Isuzu Motors America, Inc. I was finally able to discuss this matter with Wess Kumagai, head of the legal department, who stated that Mr. Cumbow had in fact been hired by Isuzu Motors America, Inc. and that he was working under Paul Hirose, who was currently on vacation. Mr. Kumagai refused to comment on the question of exactly who Mr. Cumbow answers to while Mr. Hirose is on vacation, and who is authorizing and making the decisions which Mr. Cumbow is acting upon.
Mr. Kumagai indicated that Isuzu Motors America, Inc. has compiled a list of websites and the people who opperate those websites which they refer to as "violators", and that Mr. Cumbow will be working his way down the list to eliminate these so-called "violations". Mr. Kumagai is apparently not going to wait for the court to decide if what he alleges is true or not, he has apparently made that decision already, and as such, labels the object of his allegations "violators" and "violations".

Clearly, the demands set forth by Mr. Cumbow in the name of Isuzu Motors America, Inc. are far beyond the scope of any rights that Isuzu Motors America, Inc. has upon the use of its name.

These demands put forth by Mr. Cumbow in the name of Isuzu Motors America, Inc. are clearly in voilation of the First Ammendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.
Further, Isuzu Motors America, Inc. appears to be attempting to silence all positive "word-of-mouth" advertising, by targetting the personal websites of individuals who have nothing but praise and admiration for the products of Isuzu Motors, Ltd., Japan. Isuzu Motors America, Inc. appears to be attempting to systematically eliminate all references to itself and the word "isuzu" from the public forum.
It appears that Mr. Cumbow has been authorized by Isuzu Motors America, Inc. to embark upon and instigate the biggest debacle and creation of the greatest amount of bad press since the Isuzu Trooper/Consumer's Union Tip Over Fiasco of recent news. What gain can be made by Isuzu Motors America, Inc. silencing it's only effective advertising, the free and unsolicited positive endorsement by owners and former owners of the products of Isuzu Motors, Ltd. Japan?

I urge, no, I implore, each and every one of you who is the proud owner of an Isuzu, appreciates Isuzu vehicles, or holds dearly the right to free speach and to communicate with others about the topic of Isuzu made vehicles, to immediately, and frequently, make your outrage over this grossly misguided attempt to violate your rights of free speach by Isuzu Motors America, Inc., known to Mr. Cumbow, Mr. Cumiguy, and the presidents of Isuzu Motors America, Inc. and Isuzu Motors, Ltd., Japan.

Email, telephone, and write letters to the following offices and let them know that you do not appreciate any infringement upon your rights of free speach or your enjoyment of communicating about the products of Isuzu Motors, Ltd., Japan. The silencing of the voices which support Isuzu Motors America, Inc. and it's products can searve nothing but to instil hatred and distrust in that company by the targets of the companies misguided actions and will result in the very least, the elimination of many of the venues in which you enjoy learning about and discussing the products of Isuzu Motors, Ltd., Japan.

Only by letting Isuzu Motors America, Inc. and Isuzu Motors, Ltd. Japan, know how we feel concerning this issue, can we hope to influence them to end this misguided action which can only result to the determent of both the company, in bad press, and we as Isuzu Enthusiasts, who will have what little we have worked to create in a following of our Isuzu made vehicles taken away from us.


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